As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional and Accredited Financial Counselor®, my goal is to help my clients learn to help themselves. Believing everyone should have the tools and skills to shape their financial future, I offer my clients counseling and education to help them achieve their goals and dreams.
Whether you have student loans, credit card debt, or thousands to invest in, it doesn't matter. My clients are not turned away for failing to have a minimum net worth because I offer counseling in a sales-free practice. I maintain a vetted network of legal and investment professionals.
I have worked with military service members and their spouses, minorities, individuals, couples, college students, and employer groups. Anyone wishing to improve their financial well-being through financial counseling is welcome.
My clients have overcome anything from five-figure credit card debt to systematically paying off six-figure educational loans. They have invested and grown their retirement, emergency, and college savings through structured guidance. Together, my clients and I meet their goals.
My philosopy...
Specializing in financial planning, counseling, and education, clients should have access to the personalized tools and resources needed to shape their economic destinies.
Managing Money & Escaping Debt: Empowering Lives with Jean Marie Dillon @Dr_Sas
Read about my client's experiences and the positive impact financial counseling has made.